The Hyper Crystal is a boss encountered in the Crystal Caves after looping. It appears as a large Laser Crystal surrounded by five smaller Laser Crystal enemies that constantly circle around the boss. Each loop after the first will add two more Laser Crystals.
Attack Phase
- While the Hyper Crystal itself doesn't have a direct means of damage, its Laser Crystal orbitars will periodically fire bursts of 4 lasers at the player, illuminating the path of their lasers with a trail of red particles before firing. Their lasers deal 1 damage per animation frame, dealing varying levels of damage from 1 to 4 hp or more per laser, depending on hit accuracy. What determines the precise damage amount is a secret the Protomutant presumably took to his grave.
- Laser Crystals do 20 melee damage, which can kill your character if they stand too close to the boss. Hyper Crystal itself does 200 melee damage and can destroy walls while moving.
- As you fight the boss, you will damage and eventually kill the Laser Crystals. Damaging the Laser Crystals can detach them from the boss. They will then stop circling around it and continue to act like regular enemies, slowly moving in random directions. Whenever there are only two Laser Crystals left surrounding the boss, they will detach from it on their own and Hyper Crystal will summon a new set of five Laser Crystals. This will happen sooner as the Laser Crystal count increases with each loop.
Search Phase
- When you hide behind a wall, the Hyper Crystal will send out its Laser Crystals to explode near your character. As the Laser Crystals expand away from the boss, they will stop rotating. Their explosions can destroy walls and can blow up your cover. Each explosion will also create a fixed pattern of 7 lasers around its center, increasing by 2 with each loop. The boss will continue to do this until it has clear sight of your character and its surrounding Laser Crystals are able to shoot in your direction.
Secret Area Version[]
If you enter the Cursed Crystal Caves secret area during a loop, you will fight the Cursed Hyper Crystal. This variant will surround itself with Cursed Laser Crystals in place of Laser Crystals, which can randomly be replaced with a Lightning Crystal or a Cursed Spider.
While still connected to the Hyper Crystal, Cursed Laser Crystals will periodically teleport towards the Hyper Crystal during its attack phase, while Lightning Crystals will constantly emit lightning arcs. Both types can be detonated during the search phase. Cursed Crystal Spiders have no special traits and will idly orbit the Hyper Crystal. After taking off 66% of their health, they break away and assume normal behaviors, just as Laser Crystals do with the standard Hyper Crystal variant.
- The reason behind Hyper Crystal's ridiculous amount of contact damage was explained by JW on the Steam forums. - "Whatever part of your body touches it, is instantly stretched almost infinitely into the next dimension."
- The Hyper Crystal screams and will laugh if your character dies during the boss fight, as if it was human.
- The Hyper Crystal's boss theme is "Mind Killer".
- The Hyper Crystal's boss theme in the Cursed Crystal Caves is "Cursed Killer".